Build your future,
protect your legacy

Build your future, protect your legacy

Coordinated Financial Care brings together financial planning, insurance, legal, tax, and wealth management into a strategic alliance designed to make financial decisions feel seamless for clients.

“Am I making the right choices? Could I be doing more?”

You face complex financial decisions that demand comprehensive guidance. Yet too often, you’re forced to make these important decisions without the right team of professionals in your corner. Coordinated Financial Care brings together specialists from different focus areas and takes an orchestrated approach to your financial well-being.


Together, this alliance works to identify gaps and opportunities on your behalf.

Our Coordinated Financial Care model makes us your last-stop shop.

Uniting our professional alliance relationships helps reduce fragmentation and improves communication between your professional advisors. But that’s not the only benefit.

Better communication and collaboration improve the depth of your plan and help create the outcomes you desire.

Personalized strategies and coordinated planning help you attack your goals from all angles.

An enduring alliance ensures continuity and efficiency to save you time and money.

When your financial professionals work this close together, nothing slips through the cracks.

We believe financial care is most seamless and effective when its many facets are integrated strategically: financial planning, tax management, insurance solutions, and estate planning all working together toward your objectives.

Business Planning

  • Accounting
  • Insurance & Benefits
  • Transitions
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Estate Planning

  • Annual Gifting Strategies
  • Legacy and Multi-Generational Planning
  • Wills and Trusts – Make, Change, Review
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Financial Planning

  • Investment Services
  • Lending
  • Retirement Planning
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Tax Planning

  • Cash Flow Analysis
  • Roth IRA Conversion Planning
  • Tax Projection Planning
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All of these professionals talk to one another and plan together so that I don’t have to be the middleman. Everything this partnership does is well thought out, from the way they collaborate to how proactive they are.

— Todd Sheldon

You don’t have to be the
middleman of your own finances.

You don’t have to be the middleman of your own finances.

Let us build a tight-knit, dependable network of finance professionals around you.